Martha Cooper(生于1942年)在摄影环境中长大,她的父亲和叔叔是相机店老板。 从很小的时候起,她陪伴父亲去巴尔的摩相机俱乐部外出。 她在3岁时拍摄了她的第一张照片。几十年后,Martha Cooper的作品在世界各地的博物馆和画廊展出,包括纽约市博物馆; 洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆; 伊斯坦布尔佩拉博物馆; 德累斯顿Hellerau欧洲艺术中心; 柏林Urbannation; Trafo Galerie,布拉格; Pallazo Incontro,罗马; 伦敦被盗空间画廊和斯德哥尔摩Fullersta Gard。
四十年来,Martha 一直用摄影来纪念和记录街头艺术和涂鸦的公共作品。
Martha Cooper (b. 1942) grew up surrounded by cameras, her father and uncle were camera store owners. From an early age she accompanied her father on outings with the Baltimore Camera Club. She took her first photographs at age 3. In the decades since, Cooper’s work has been exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide including Museum of the City of New York; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Pera Museum, Istanbul; Hellerau European Center for the Arts, Dresden; Urbannation, Berlin; Trafo Galerie, Prague; Pallazo Incontro, Rome; Stolen Space Gallery, London and Fullersta Gard, Stockholm.
For four decades, Martha Cooper has used photography to memorialize and record public works of street art and graffiti.